Do you want to make digital printable but not sure where to start? Yes, creating them can actually be fun. I know many people find this scary. Especially when choosing a niche, like creating stickers or planners. These niches can be time-consuming and take away the fun out of it.
The best way to enjoy the experience of designing a printable
Can you write a sentence. If you answer yes, Well, a text quote printable could be just the thing for you. There are many wall art text quote stores on Etsy. A few of them indeed make a lot of cash.
What type of text quotes should you use
The most popular quotes to use are inspirational ones. I mean, who wouldn't want to wake up and go into their living room with a quote saying that encourages them? This is a place that gives off positive vibes.
Other types of quotes that work great are Bible verse scriptures or religious sayings. These can be encouraging to a person's faith.
If you still unsure what kind of text quotes to use. You can use AI tools like chatgpt. Whether you want to create something funny or inspirational. chatgpt will help you generate ideas for free.
Be careful for copyright issues
Remember to double check if a quote is copyrighted, especially if you're going to sell your printable files. For personal use, anything is fine. When something is copyrighted, you don't have the rights to make money from it. That's why you can't offer it. Using chat gpt you can also ask it to create original inspirational quotes so you won't have any issues.
Where to design text printables
There are so numerous tools out there. Of course, Canva is number one. It has a wide variety of fonts to use to make your text quotes look great. That's why I'd choose Canva to do the text design. Canva also has an easy way to customize your text with an outline, drop shadow and more. Even a person with no design experience can do this.
All you need is a small interest and creative energy. It's simple and fun and with canva you can do more than just add text but add graphic elements to compliment your quotes or sayings. Of course, you do not need to go over do it. You need the plan to be as straightforward as possible. So it's best to add simple shapes or line elements.
Canva alternative
Recently I have been playing around a lot more with Adobe express on my Android phone. It's a lot less difficult to utilize than Canva. Right now, Canva is overwhelmed with features, which is great. There were times where I felt like I couldn't design because there was so much going on. Also, it was running slow on the mobile app. The Adobe express app worked fairly well with a mobile internet connection. It was easy to use and had a simple interface. There are some great font choices. Like Canva, there is a paid version, but the free versions of both work just as good. Especially if you just exploring the world of print on demand
What items can use quotes to sell for print on demand
- Wall art
- Mugs T-shirts Phone covers
- Pillow covers
- Stickers
- Bookmarks
These are just some ideas of where you can use text based designs.
Discover a fun niche of creating print on demand that anyone can do. Using text and quotes to create inspirational designs. Learning how to generate original funny and inspirational text content for your designs. Learn which are the most popular items to put your text designs on.