Hello, fellow creatives! Today I want to talk about digital printables. What you should keep in mind when creating them The purpose of it is to make people's lives easier. Yes, planners, checklists, wall art, and stickers are the most popular selling items. In order to make sure your printables sell, you need to find a niche or something more target-specific.
So how can you help?
On YouTube, you will see people telling you how easy it is to make money designing printables. Yes, it is possible, but what they don't tell you is that there is already so much competition for popular topics. Creating general daily planners would be a waste of your time, and your motivation would be in the wrong place.
Have you ever heard people say giving back is fulfilling and paying it forward? Well, this means doing something to help someone else. So when creating your digital prints, make sure to keep in mind the people you are trying to help. There are many niches you can tap into; just think of the people you want to help.
Examples of niches to help others
Budget planner
If someone could save time budgeting money, think of a simple but useful planner to help them organize their finances.
Planners for moms
Single moms or moms in general need a checklist to keep track of chores, finances, groceries, and shopping. So why not make a planner especially for them, which will be more specific, helpful, and profitable?
Study planner
A study planner for students Think of a way to help kids break down information, which can make it easier to actually study.
Contact list planner
Using printables to save contact information is useful for emergencies. I'm sure you must be wondering why we even need this. On my Facebook alone, I see many people talking about losing their contacts, if their phone was stolen, or getting a new phone. So having a printable where you can save your contact numbers as a list for your important numbers for family, friends, colleagues, and emergencies.
Events or party planner
Not everyone is good at throwing a party or event. So on Google, there is a lot of information to go through and read before making decisions. You can suggest items people may need for a party and a blank template to add their own items. This is a way to help them make decisions more quickly and get more done.
Religious or spiritual planners
Faith is a big part of most of our lives, and having a guide to learn more about it can make us and the people who use it stronger in their faith. You either break down and ask questions on a specific topic like healing, purpose, or faith.
Personal planners
This can be like having a life coach. A planner will ask you questions to guide you towards getting to know yourself better, finding your purpose, knowing what you want in life, and how you can get there.
Traveling checklist
There can be two types of planners for this. The first is a vision planner. Questions asking you and where exactly you would visit if you did go.
The second is a checklist of stuff you need to do when you decide to travel, like make sure you have a travel suitcase, have your password, know where you will be staying and booked into, and know what medication you need to take if you have any health issues or shots you may need to take before going to certain countries. These tasks can be specific and even have their own categories. It's all up to you to make these planners. The ideas I gave are just suggestions to give you an idea of where to start, and you can go into more detail with your planners.
You will discover helpful niches to create your digital printables that can help people while making money.